My name is Andrea Baker and this year I am the 7th grade counselor at Sikeston Junior High. My job as a school counselor is to help fine-tune students’ academic and personal skills, assist in character and social development, help students with high school and career readiness, and to provide preventative and responsive services as a part of a comprehensive guidance and counseling program. I go to advisory classes monthly to perform guidance lessons so that students do not have to miss time in core classes.
I send emails home regularly to all 7th grade parents to help keep them involved in what we do. This is also a great resource for parents to utilize for assistance in recognizing and meeting their student’s individual needs.
Please feel free to contact me at the school at any time with questions and concerns. As a parent/counselor team, I am certain that we can prepare our students to face any challanges that life gives them!
Andrea Baker, LPC, NCC, Ed.S.
Professional School Counselor